Dear Friends,
We look forward to loving this child with our whole hearts! Our world has expanded with wonder since we welcomed David into our family. Our first adoption was just about three years ago, and we feel especially glad to have David in our family. We also feel blessed to have an open relationship with his birth mother and her family. Because we are not able to have biological children, we know that our hearts will be filled with love through another adoption.
There are many reasons we have to be grateful to you. We are grateful that you have chosen to give life to this child so he or she may be raised in a family. We are indebted to you for the sacrifice you are currently making in behalf of the child—through the pregnancy, the decisions, and the labor of giving this child life. We hope to share the joys and successes of this child with you through an open adoption. We look forward to regularly telling our child about the miracle of how he or she joined our family because of your tremendous gift of love.
Sam entered the world of being a Daddy as a real natural! Evoking giggles and squeals, Sam chases David, kicks the ball around the yard with him, or gives some exciting horsey rides through the house. The highlight of David’s day is when Daddy comes home to play with him. Evenings are often filled with countless games of Connect Four, tumbling block towers, stories on Daddy’s lap and taking walks together to find wildlife in our neighborhood. Sam involves David on many levels, such as running errands together or letting him have a front row seat while Daddy uses tools as a way to establish friendship on many different levels. Sam is a thoughtful and affectionate father, and he looks forward to another child joining our family.
Carmin loves being a stay at home mom! She listens to David sing songs while they run errands around town. She’ll watch David run and jump at the local gymnastics arena or along the pathway at the zoo—two places where they frequently go for a daily outing. Her favorite is to feel David’s head against her cheek while reading stories. Carmin wonders how she can grasp just a little bit of his excitement for life—David’s face lights up when he sees a fire truck, a moose, or a block of cheese. We talk together day in and day out, and she feels grateful that David is the center of her world. In fact, all of our children will play that role. As a mother, Carmin looks forward to meeting our next child who will introduce us to their world of wonder and happiness.
David has two favorite books. One is called “Sisters” and the other is called “Brothers.” These books show pictures of sisters and brothers playing together, and as he looks at the pictures, I can see that David longs for a close playmate like a sister or a brother. David is a very social little boy; he quickly and easily makes friends. We look forward to introducing him to a new sibling that will be among his closest circle of friends as his family.
On any given evening, you can find us around the dinner table sharing our meal together. As it comes time to clear away the dishes, David will often ask, “Family night tonight?” When he makes this request, we stop what we are doing for a few minutes and spend time with just the three of us. We sit in a circle on the floor, sing songs together, and share stories. We take turns sharing a “special talent” such as singing a song, jumping high, or counting to ten. This time usually wraps up in about ten minutes—then we move on to the best part! Games! David makes every little game exciting, and he has even invented a few new games on his own.
Our promise to you is that all children placed in our home will be taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will not be perfect parents, but we will work hard to ensure that children placed with us will be loved and cared for. We know that much of life’s happiness can be found within a family. We anticipate the day that our family will continue to expand through another adoption.
Sam and Carmin
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