Thursday, January 12, 2012

Where we live--On a Snowy Day

Anchorage is currently on track to have the snowiest winter on record. 
Look at these numbers, reflecting Jan 9th:
Average snowfall by Jan 9: 41.6
Anchorage snowfall Jan 9, 2012: 81.3 inches

Really, truly, I don't mind the snow. I love the look of always having freshly fallen snow.
Maybe it's because we have this team on our side:
 Snow removal involves dozens of dump trucks waiting in line for their turn to be filled up by this really cool machine:
 On this particular day, it took less than 5 minutes to fill each truck.

The trucks filled with snow dump it at designated snow lots. We pass one every day--I would say that it's about 3 acres. And by the end of December, they had about 25-30 foot piles covering the entire lot. So now that particular lot is closed.  I think we'll be in for a long "breakup" season while all of this snow makes its way into ground water.

Oh yes, this town knows how to do winter.
Ice sculptures downtown are fun (photos from 2010):

And plenty of hills to sled down:

 We have perfect powder. It's not great for snowmen, but great for powder and snow angels.

When we moved here, the locals told us that the best part of winter is when it warms up to 20 degrees. That's when you get out and enjoy the snow!
The phrase "warms up to 20 degrees" took my breath away in that long ago winter.
Now I can join with the best of them and agree, "I love it when it warms up to 20 degrees! Definitely a balmy wintry day to go enjoy the great outdoors!"

In light of our current snow pack, I've made two observations this week:
  1. I'm glad we don't live in Cordova or Valdez where it's taking every man woman and child to keep up with shoveling and plowing.
  2. This year would have been a really good year to own a snow blower. Or better yet, to have a teenager with a snow removal business.

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