Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our First Adoption Story--Our Angel Birth Mother Found Us!

We are thrilled that we have been selected to become parents by a selfless birth mother. We have been able to talk to our birth mom a couple of times this week, and both Sam and I feel that she is very close to heaven in the decision she has made. She is a delightful girl, and we look forward to getting to know her better. As the birth mother of our child, she will be like another member of our extended family!

The birth mother invited us to be at the delivery of a baby boy that will join our family around February 1. Of course there is nothing that we would want more--to meet our little guy the very day he makes a grand entrance to this great world! We just hope that we have enough warning to get us down to Seattle in time for the delivery!

Sam received the first call from our caseworker, telling us that we had been selected. He then called me to share the good news. I reminded him that not very many husbands get to be the one to surprise their wife with the happy news that a baby will be joining the family! That was just another unique part of this journey called adoption.

In the miracle of it all, we are reminded that Heavenly Father creates families. His kindness has been evident. We feel truly grateful to know that God loves us! And he loves a young girl that is selfless enough and mature enough to make a difficult decision based on what is best for her baby. We love you too, Angel Birth Mother!


Logan and Tanya said...

What a sweet post! We are beyond happy for you!

Marissa said...

I am so excited for you both. I have known for a long time that you both would make the best parents. I can't wait for you to hold your son in your arms.

Erika said...

What wonderful news! I'm so happy for the two of you. You're going to make such great parents. Your little boy's birth mother made the best decision in choosing you.

Dionne said...

Congrats to you! It will be fun to hear about all of this as you take this journey.

Roxie said...

Congratulations! Ken and I are so happy for you. What wonderful news!

Cami said...

Yea!!!! Blake and I are so excited for you and Sam. Wow what a journey you have been through in getting here and oh, the journey you have ahead! How wonderful.

Kimm said...

Congrats...I am so happy for you.

Janalee said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! That is the most wonderful news I've heard in a long time! I can't wait to meet this little guy. Seattle is about as close as you can get to, well you know, Alaska!! That's so great!

koster family said...

I can't believe it happened so soon, that's amazing and extremely exciting. I'm looking forward to following your journey and of course seeing pics of your little guy soon. You will both make wonderful parents, he'll be lucky to have you.

Jessica Larsen said...

AWESOME! Can't think of any better news to hear right now! Yay! Can our little boys play together? :)

honus and Cameron said...

AH!!!!! I AM SO SO SO VERY EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Bens brother and his wife have adopted three (they are still all under the age of 4).... and they are SO HAPPY... i have two other great friends who recently adopted and things are going so well - what a blessing... I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!!!!

belle black said...

Congratulations! That's so wonderful, Min! You and Sam will be such oustanding parents. Can't wait to see pics of the little guy after February! :)

Nichole said...

I am so happy for you! I hope everything goes smoothly the entire process!
And you know we will be up for babysitting any time you need a break!

KirstenandDaniel said...

I am so excited for both of you. Daniel and I live about 40 minutes south of Seattle now. If you need a place to stay when you come down for the birth we would be happy to have you. Love, Kirsten Wells

Brittany said...

Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you guys!! What a wonderful experience. I can't wait to meet him!!

Holly said...

Carms! I'm SO excited for you and Sam! What a sweet experience adoption is. I'm so glad a birth mother found your little family! I know it couldn't happen to two better people. ;-) I miss you!

Love to you both!

Oh, Sweet!... said...

Carmin- Oh how happy we are for you! What a blessing indeed! I look forward to hearing all your news! Congratulations! 2 more months will fly by quickly! Sure love you!

Your angel said...

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Its so touching to read this. Everytime that I do, I feel so much love coming from you two.