We met our Angel Birth Mother for the first time, and got to share a hug or two with her. We loved loved loved being in her presence! She smiles easily and is a very pretty girl. We just couldn't get enough of her.
We met her mother. She is a lady that fully supports her daughter--and her love for her daughter is very apparent in their interaction. In her words, her support comes "not because it is easy, but because it is right." She is kind and wise, and very intent on wanting Sam and me to have as much of the experience as possible with the birth of our son. Sam's word to describe her is perfect: genuine.
We also met her dad. I loved to watch how tender he was with our Angel Birth Mother! Although at first glance, he is a tough guy--we found his heart of pure gold. Sam had a great time chatting with him while we girls browsed up and down Pike's Place Market.
How is it possible that our heart can fill with love so quickly for people that we met just a few days ago!?! We understand a little better how easy it will come to enlarge the circle of our family to include these good people. And it gave us a glimpse of the powerful feelings we will immediately feel the moment we meet our new little boy.
Our Angel Birth Mother surprised us with 2 blankets for the baby--a green one that she crocheted (ohh, so soft!) and one that her ward's Relief Society tied for him. They are treasures!
As we boarded our flight to come home, the flight attendant called for anyone traveling with small children to pre-board. My heart did a little flip as I thought about having an arm full the next time we return home. This time, I bask in having a heart full.
Oh Carmin! I love your final thought about boarding with an arm full next time! What a VEEERRRRY exciting thought! I truly can't wait! We're so glad it went so perfectly. They look like a wonderful family to interact with!
What a great experience, Carmin! I'm so glad you were able to meet your angel birth mother and her family. They sound like wonderful people. I loved seeing the picture.
I'm thrilled to hear that your trip was so wonderful. I love the picture you shared! What a wonderful time it must've been to meet the girl you will share something so special with! Can't wait to meet this little guy.
Carmin, I came to your blog via Tanya's (this is her sister-in-law Teann). I am SOOOOOOOOO thrilled for you and Sam!! It warmed my heart so much to see that you will welcome a little boy into your family! And bless that sweet angel mother for doing what is best for her baby. I cannot even IMAGINE giving up a child for adoption, so the fact that you and Sam have a good relationship already started with her will be a big help, I'm sure. Congratulations!!
I got a little teary eyed reading your post. That's so wonderful that you had a chance to meet the birth mother before the baby is born---she is pretty and looks very nice. Anyways, what a great experience and something that you can share with your little boy. Take care.
Oh, I'm so glad it was a good experience for you! She sounds and looks really sweet. And it's a boy! Yeay! I am so happy for you guys.
I am so excited and happy for you guys! This Birth Mother truly is an angel, and she IS very pretty. And Carmin, you look B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L in this picutre! I love the length of your hair!
Carmin, a tough guy? it was real nice to meet you and your hubby. it's a comfort to know that your child is in good hands.
We are so excited for you! I cry whenever I read your blog lately, i am just so happy you are getting what you have worked so hard for. Keep us posted!
So are you ready for a blast from the past....Helllo Carmin, it's me Amy Nelson Wudel. I just recieved an email from Danielle that had your blog address on it!!! I have been looking for you, but I did not remember your new last name and I didn't known where you lived, so I was having a hard time. I love your blog, and I am just so touched by your amazing experience! I am so excited for you to be a mother. You will be more than amazing! That baby is the luckiest baby ever! I bet he is in heaven just sooooo excited to come down, you will be the best mother in the whole wide world. Yay!
I also have a blog and I would love you to see, it is an invite only blog so you have to send me your email address to wudelfamily@hotmail.com so I can invite you.
Love you tons! Amy
So are you ready for a blast from the past.....Hello Carmin, it's me Amy Nelson Wudel, your long lost roommate. I just received an email from Danielle with your blog address on it! I have been looking for you, but I did not remeber your new last name, and I didn't know where you lived. I am so happy to find you!
I am so touched by your amazing experience. You are going to be the best mom. That baby is the luckiest baby. I bet he is in heaven just so excited to come down to earth to be you guys. You will be more than amazing---Yay! I am so excited to see pictures!
I also have a blog I would like you to visit, but it is an invite only blog, so please send me your email address to wudelfamily@hotmail.com so I can invite you!
Love you tons! Amy
Oh yeah!! I am so happy for you guys. i wish I had seen this post sooner. I can't wait for your new arrival! What a pretty birth mother!
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