David has the gift of language. I think it's closely linked with his love of music, but who's really to say?
His vocabulary and communication is such that I have to occasionally remind people that he is just barely three, not a year or two older as some assume. At his 2nd year and 3rd year well-child check with the doctor, our pediatrician noted both times on David's medical chart, "Exceptional verbal skills."
In light of this talent that David has been given, we've started memorizing poems. He has a talent with words, and memorization is my attempt to help him develop that talent. To his credit, he memorizes a poem within a day of introducing it to him, and by the end of the week, he'll have it mastered. (Which means he can recite it without hardly thinking about it.) It gives us another exciting way to pass the time while we drive around town.
Just for fun, here are a few of the poems and scriptures we've worked on lately. Occasionally I'll add a few more. It's a peek into our daily life around here, and perhaps a way to get to know our son a little better. (Although nothing beats his dramatization of these poems! He really turns on his performing side when he recites them.)
A smile is catching, like measles they say
You better watch out--I have one today.
A smile is catching, and so I suppose
A big one will pop out right under your nose!
Glow Worm
I wish I were a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.
'Cuz how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum!?!
Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants, the prophets.
Article of Faith #1
We believe in God, the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
Article of Faith #1
We believe in God, the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.