Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our First Adoption Story--Our Birth Mother's Gift

To us, she gave a little boy to call our own.

At placement, we gave her this quilt. It is an Alaskan scene of a glacier, made extra soft and with a lot of love so she can cuddle with it when she gets cold.

We love you, Angel Birth Mother!!!

I love this picture. She is holding our gift to her and her gift to us:


Roxie said...

What a beautiful quilt, Carmin! Did you make it? I'm sure she loved it!

Tara said...

What a beautiful idea. Both gifts are so lovely.

Marissa said...

You did a beautiful job on the quilt. I know she will cherish it. I hope sometime I can hear more of your story from the adoption side. My niece gave up a baby a year ago, so I was close to that side. What an amazing thing adoption is.

Janalee said...

What a beautiful exchange!! Thanks for the detail about open adoption as well. I think that is such a great perspective... Love you guys!

amy said...

Carmin, I just spent a few mintues reading all your posts. I just weep tears of joy! I just think you are so inspiriational and I just loved what you said about how God makes families! Reading this has made my day!

JacksonFamily said...

Carmin, I'm crying right now. This is the most heartwarming story ever. I am so happy for you! David is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations!

Macsen said...

Carmen this is SO exciting! I'm SO happy for you! That quilt is beautiful too, and David looks absolutely perfect. Good luck on your new adventure!
Also, I have created a directory of all the Ray family blogs (that I've found anyway!) Would you like me to put a link to yours on it? I find it has made it easier to keep tabs on everyone else. Let me know!

Logan and Tanya said...

It really did turn out beautiful, Carmin! Thanks for posting the pictures of the quilt!
I also LOVED the post about sweet David winning even the pilot's heart enough to get a peek inside the cockpit! LUCKY! ;}
Keep the pictures coming...they're oh so fun for all of us! (I can almost SMELL that soft baby skin!)

Cami said...

Carmin, thanks so much for sharing this heartwarming story. I read in the Feb. Ensign last night and there was an article on adoption and I read it through tears thinking of you and Sam and the blessing adoption has been for you. Love you, we are so excited for you!!