Since we brought David home, we have regularly met with a case worker for lengthy interviews and home visits. They asked us about David's bonding and attachment, his physical and emotional development, our adjustment to parenthood, if we have taken him to well baby checks and if he has received immunizations. In one memorable question, they asked, "How would you rate David's overall development?" Without a second's hesitation and even before the question was completely phrased, Daddy blurted out, "Superb!"
Of course by now we are used to answering all kinds of questions about ourselves, our desire to be parents, and David's progress. It has been a year and a half since we started the mile high pile of paperwork, and now it is finally coming to an end. The court documents will soon be signed and sealed, and everything will be complete for David to legally be ours.

In all of this, our thoughts are never far from the amazingly selfless angel birth mother and her family, who have blessed us with this most precious gift. We love them. Our family would not be complete without her.
And since every good thing around here is finger lickin good, here's a summary of how we all feel: